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Friends of BOM




We are very proud of the squad who helped us put BOM together. Every one of them saw our vision and nailed it. Like us they lived, breathed and bled the project and we are so stoked with the result, you rock legends!  We are also humbled by the people we work with who are equally as passionate about what they do so along with a shout out to these legends, we think of this list as a list of 'captains of industry'. 


 Interiors / design


Bradley Cole. www.bradleycole.com.au

Chris Nixon from nixon creative. www.chrisnixon.net

Jess from east west designs. eastwestdesign.com.au

Jerry from freemantle timber traders. fremantletimber.com.au

James from world wide timber traders. wwtt.com.au

Stacee from modular masonry. modularmasonry.com.au

Tiana at southern cross ceramics. scceramics.com

Joe & the team from prime projects.  primeprojects.net.au




Uncle enrico for his amazing tiling. d.gulizia@bigpond.com

Coen from electrical & co. electricalandco.net.au

Reece. Ironside Electrical

Will & Kain. 


Mike from elgas. elgasservices@gmail.com

Cosi from stainless steel fabricators perth. stainlesssteelfabricatorsperth.com

Jose, Jarryd & Alessandro from applied. wallgallery.com.au

Dave barbieri bricklaying. davebarbieri75@hotmail.com

Sam at retro steel works. retrosteelworks@hotmail.com

Greg from ccr perth. ccrperth.com

Paul & Sean from midas plumbing. midasplumbing.com.au 




Leigh at baldivis free range egg's.

Rodney at rj butcher's.

Paul at abhi's bakery.

Mick at ovenden bakehouse.

Adam at the grocer.

Dave at new west foods.

Dave at getfresh.

Linda at european foods.

Justin at hisconfe.

Gabe & Helena at the original cocoa traders.

Mark at pullman espresso.

Julie at cafe imports.

Josephine & Lars at nord coffee / moccamaster au.

Elisha at senator coffee

Sally at the fabric printer.

Chris at grape + grain.

Pat + Damian at baldivis iga.

Matt at black brewing co.

Doug from funk cider. 

Margs from colonial brewing co.


Special shout out to..


For their open doors Leon & Lisa from PMC. proudmarycoffee.com.au

For her humble teachings Ann Cooper from equilibrium coffee roasters. eqmr.com.au

For their inspiring culture Jared Truby, Chris Baca & Charles Jack from Cat & Cloud. catandcloud.com 

For inspiring and believing in us, Mum, Dad, Abbie, Polly, Toffee Nan & Cottage Nan x